Soon I will have been living with my human for a whole year and I still love being here. Loads of things have been going on so I'll try to think about it and tell you all about it.
The superior human was looking after me quite a lot because my human was having to go to hospital every day to get something she called "radiotherapy". I'm not sure what that is but it made her feel really ill so I stayed with the superior human for a little while so my human could get better. She is still not well but she's getting better. The superior human takes me for walks most days with other superior beings and I have a brilliant time rolling around in the wet grass and jumping into rivers. The other superior beings play chase with me which is great fun - we're all really good friends now.
My human has been taking me on new walks up into the hills and forests. I love going up there because I can chase rabbits and squirrels and scare the pigeons so they flap away into the sky. One day I scared a pheasant and it scared me back but that was at the beach. The beach is a strange place to go, it's got this stuff called sand and when I run on it my paws get all covered with it. Then when I pick up my ball my nose and chin get sand on them too. My human and one of the visitor humans had to get me clean after that because I was nervous of the waves coming towards me and I wouldn't go in the water. My human called me a "silly beastie" for running towards the waves then running away again. I smiled when she said that.
I can't think of anything else to tell you all about. I'll try and write here more often.