Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Another Day, Another......

Parcel!  Yes, I know I'm incredibly spoilt but I think I'm worth it.  My human thinks so too - I can tell.

We had another visitor at Danté Towers today, a very nice human who I totally ignored in favour of my bone.  Well I have to have my priorities straight.  Him and my human spent ages just talking about me and the other superior beings they know or have known in the past.  Anyway, I was listening to their chit chat while I pretended to be not interested in them and it seems that this visitor human is going to be taking me out for some of my walks so that my human can rest and hopefully get better.  I think he's a superior being in disguise so that makes him a superior human.

I'm looking forward to going on some walks with superior human but I think I'll have to be on best behaviour because he seems to understand how to keep control of superior beings who pull and mess around.  He says he'll introduce me to some other superior beings so I'll be able to get to know them and make new friends.  I think that's brilliant!

The human vet had better be good at their job, I need my human to get mended.


  1. That's good news, Dante! This new human will be a challenge for you :)

  2. It is good news, I'll work very hard at getting this new human trained into my way of thinking. It shouldn't take too long. I'm very persuasive!
