Well yesterday was a bit strange really. My human took me out to play in the park as usual but there was something wrong with her and after she'd thrown my ball for me a few times she had to sit down on the bench because she was feeling all wobbly. I don't know much about how humans operate but I knew something in her circuitry must have gone wonky. Two new humans stopped to ask if my human was alright and then the next thing I know is a thing like a Bus Contraption had come into my park and two very strange new humans got out. They put my human in a chair and took her into their Bus Contraption and to be honest I wasn't too happy about that but I wasn't allowed to go with her. Then, the Bus Contraption drove off with my human still inside it. So I was left behind in the park with the new humans.
After a little while our visitor human came and got me, I was very pleased to see him! He took me back to my house and kept me company. He's a kind human and made sure I was alright. I got taken out by him for a walk and a play in the garden but I was missing my human a lot and wondered where she was.
Visitor human said that my human would probably be home soon but it was ages before she came back. I was jumping around and jumping on her to say hello and tell her I was very glad that she came back. I get a bit anxious when I get left on my own or don't know where my human is. Visitor human told her I'd been very good and no trouble, I sort of ignored him when she got here but I really did like him looking after me because I know him.
My human has been talking about me to people today. She is hoping that I'll be able to get looked after by dog humans who spend all day looking after superior beings such as myself if their humans have to be somewhere else. I like the sound of that because I'll have superior company and my human won't need to worry about me.
I've made a friend of the superior being who lives next door. She's lovely, my human says she's too old for me but I don't think that matters. I gave her a good sniff the other night and saw her with her human yesterday on the way to my park. I might have been a little bit too keen to show I like her because she did tell me off after a while. All day today I've been trying to listen for her and her human going out so I might see her again, I've also been sniffing her front door. My human says I'm on a highway to nowhere and I need to give up. We'll see.
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