Sunday, 30 October 2011


My human took me out yesterday.  I thought we were just going to my park because she took my ball with her but we ended up going for a really long run in among trees and loads of mud.  She told me that we'd been out for something called 3 hours but I told her we'd just been out for really good fun.  I met some other superior beings and their humans, one of them was going to be in big trouble with her human because she was rolling around in a big muddy puddle and her black fur was all sticky and horrible.  I was laughing at her all filthy but I never went in to try it out, I think my human was pleased about that.

When we got home I had a huge drink of water and then decided to go and sleep on my human's bed.  She made a cup of that hot stuff she drinks and then came to keep me company.  She fell asleep too and I had to wake her up to give me my dinner.  Honestly, what would she do without me?

Today has been very quiet, I'm not feeling very well.  I was sick all over the livingroom rug and the hall.  My human doesn't get annoyed she just gives me cuddles and makes sure I'm alright.  She says I must of been eating something that disagreed with me but my human disagrees with me all the time and I don't eat her!*  So I've been sleeping today and now I'm feeling a whole lot better, my human gave me a little bit of dinner and a drink of water and now I'm going to go back to sleep.


*Note from Danté's human: he's doing fine, I think he must of eaten something in the undergrowth yesterday that's made him a bit sick.   I'm keeping a good eye on him but he's eating/drinking and his nose is cold & wet so I'm not at all worried.


  1. Hi Dante. I get sick sometimes when I have been in Nan and Granddad's garden, they have juicy grass! And sometimes I 'overdo' it, Mum says... I get her up in the night to let me out so I can be sick... She doesn't mind...much...! :D I hope you feel better soon. Liffey. xxxx

  2. I eat grass sometimes, the humans don't seem to understand that us superior beings need to do this kind of thing! My human says your mum is lovely and so she must be! I'm feeling much better today thanks, been very naughty to make up for yesterday. x
