Thursday 13 October 2011


My human had to go to the vet yesterday so one of my visitor humans came to let me look after him.  He took me to the park and I did my best to behave but just couldn't resist playing with some other superior beings in the park, I think visitor human thought I might never go back to him but I did in the end.  When my human came home she had some sort of patches on both her arms, she says the vet had to do some tests but I don't understand why that needed patches, I don't get patches when I see the vet.  I really don't understand humans and their strange ways.

Anyway, my human was so tired when she got home my visitor human had to go to do whatever it is he does in the daytime and then she and me went for a sleep.  I was worried about her and so I went to go and sleep beside her so I could keep watch over her.

Today we went on a Bus Contraption but I quite liked it this time.  I'm learning that if I lie down quietly it's really not so bad and if I pop my nose up every so often I get a little scratch under the chin to show I'm being good.  This was all my idea, the inferior humans would never think of such a clever thing.  When we got off the Bus Contraption I knew exactly where we were going and so I showed my human the way, just in case she'd forgotten.  So I took her across the road and led her all the way to Maggie's so we could meet our usual human there.  I do get very spoilt when I'm there - lots of cuddles and fuss.

When we came home my human picked up some sort of thing that had come through the door flap and started ranting about it.  It seems that she's not very happy about a "courier" whatever one of those might be.  All I know is that yesterday a parcel was supposed to get here and it didn't.  Then she talked on the noisy metal contraption she carries around with her (i think she calls it her bone but it doesn't smell like a bone) and was quite annoyed after that.  Then, this morning, a parcel did arrive and she was happy I think but still ranting about it.  She said the thing through the door after coming home from Maggie's was "the last straw".

I don't totally know what's going on because she never tells me anything but I am glad that the parcel isn't for me this time.  In fact, I don't approve of the parcel at all because it appears to have a Hoover Contraption in it and I don't like those at all.

*sigh* bedtime.

PS, Danté was indeed very good on the bus today but on the way home he sat cuddled up to the wall and shaking a little bit.  He mistook a tiny dog sitting on a ladies knee as being a cat.  He's terrified of cats.  Shh, don't tell him I told you.  Danté's Human

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